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Brian J. W. Lee is a writer. When he's not writing, he's plotting to plunge the world in a deep chasm of terror, darkness and screams. Sorry, did I get carried away?

Monday 10 October 2016

Writing Report #20: Final Edits

This writing report is for last Monday to Sunday (an entire week! How did I...), and will likely be one of the last writing report dedicated to Project Green, also known as The Keeper of Pulau Purba (03/10/16 - 09/10/16).

The pacing of my work slowed down, but it wasn't because I was tired or disillusioned or something. I was hovering just behind my proofreader, and I needed to give her space. Besides, there are other things that a book requires.

On Monday, I finished editing Chapters 17 and 18. It's the last day of sustained editing, the quota was reduced here.

On Tuesday, it's only Chapter 19 and Wednesday, 20. I took a break on Thursday. It is also around this period that the book cover is being worked on heavily. There were many decisions to make, and I leveraged on kboards.com to help with the decision-making. This was also where I started worrying about the front and back matter of the book as well.

On Friday, I did chapters 21 and 22, as well as making a minor change to the backstory in chapter 6. I removed the Prime Minister's name from one of the companies on Pulau Purba. Figured there's someone who's actually dead that I can use. I took the name of Singapore's first President instead, Yusof Ishak.

It was at this point that I was thinking, 'What was I thinking!?' It's not the first time though and it won't be the last. The novel can never be perfect. Gotta accept that and move on.

I took another break on Saturday. Okay, this time it's because I was feeling tired and lousy.

But I made up for it on Sunday with editing chapter 23, and finishing up on the front and back matter so that I can push it to Abigail for proofreading and other kinds of editing.

The road map is nearly filled with X marks. I've accomplished nearly everything that a new book requires. All that's left are some straggler front and back matter pages, chapter edits that could be pushed to after publishing, some formatting, and then the PUBLISH button.

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